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An organisation is an entity which comprises of Applications, Users and Tokens. Creating or being part of an organisation is mandatory for accessing features of Kavach.

An organisation has following entities:​

  • Users
  • Applications
  • Tokens
  • Roles
  • Policies

There are two default roles in Kavach - Owner and Member.

  • Owner: Owners have special privileges in an organisation. They can invite/remove users and carry out CRUD(create read update delete) operations on tokens, roles and policies. They can also edit details of an organisation.
  • Member: Members have read-only privileges in an organisation. They can view organisation details and access entities of an organisation.

The flow diagram for organisation:​


Organisations can be created from the organisation menu item by clicking on the New Organisation action on the right side. Following details are required to create an organisation:

  1. Title
  2. Slug
  3. Decription
  4. Logo
  • Basic settings for organisation can be configured by the owners of organisation on the settings page.

  • You can create roles and policies in organisation. For more details check - Roles and Policies.